IMPALAN Indie Album of the Year -ehdokkaat

The complete list of nominees

(in alphabetical order by artist/name of the album/record label):

ALONDRA BENTLEY – “Solar System” (Mont Ventoux)
ANDREA BOCELLI – “Si” (Sugar Music)
BLACK SEA DAHU – “White Creatures” (s-r/Mouthwatering Records)
CHRIS – “Chris” (Because Music)
HAIKU GARDEN – “Where If Not Now” (Kapa Records)
ICEAGE – “Beyondless” (Escho/Matador)
NOGA EREZ – “Off the Radar” (City Slang)
OLD JERUSALEM – “Chapels” (s-r)
POLIFAUNA – “You Look Like A Lost Soul” (s-r)
RACOON – “Look Ahead and See The Distance” ([PIAS])
RUUSUT – “Ruusut” (Fullsteam)
SONDRE JUSTAD – “Ingenting I Paradis” (Petroleum Records)
SOPHIE – “Oil Of Every Pearl’s Un-insides” (Transgressive)
STRAY DOGG – “Look At The Moon” (Odličan Hrčak)
THE STRANGE – “Echo Chamber” (Dancing Bear Records)
ÚZGIN ŰVER – “Patak” (Mana Mana)
VIAGRA BOYS – “Street Worms” (Year0001)

The last mile to bridge the value gap


Brussels, 20th June 2018

Today a great step was taken toward addressing the now famous “value gap” which has been plaguing the music sector for years.

After EU member states a few weeks ago, the European Parliament said loud and clear that they wanted online platforms distributing music and other creative works to have an obligation to get licences for the use of those works. The work was led by the main parliamentarian in charge, Axel Voss.  (Read more from the link below)